1938 - The birth of Hoisery
The company was born from the will of one man: Walter Hubacher.
1947 - Armor-lux was born
The years of war and occupation did not affect Walter Hubacher's confidence and certainty, even though the factory's activities came to a halt during this period.
1980 - The Rise
In the early 1980s, the company grew to 600 employees.
1990 - A New Beginning
In the early 90's, Walter Hubacher crossed paths with two childhood friends, Jean-Guy Le Floch and Michel Guéguen, who bought the Bonneterie d'Armor from him.
Since 1938... and for evermore!
Since the beginning, Armor-lux has been committed to offering quality products by perpetuating exceptional local expertise.
Aware of the current challenges, we have been working for more than 30 years to guarantee secure manufacturing chains which respect fundamental labour rights, health and the environment. Surrounded by its 600 employees, Armor-lux works each and every day to ensure that the little stripe never gets wrinkled and that it continues to shine throughout the world!